What’s a Bacteriostatic Solution?

Last month, we discussed how Biochem transforms the waste from your facility into energy while upholding a strict Zero-to-Landfill policy. We also mentioned that using Biochem’s services can earn you points toward LEED certification. Today’s article is the second installment in our series, focusing on a unique advantage offered by Biochem.

Biochem stands out as the only company in the industry providing a liquid Bacteriostatic Solution inside the hygiene waste bin. But what’s in it for you?

This exclusive and patented solution ensures you receive the best service available. The benefits are significant and can even result in cost savings.

What does “Bacteriostatic” even mean? It means that there is an agent that prevents the growth of bacteria (it keeps them in the stationary phase of growth). In reality, it kills about 90% of the bacteria and keeps the 10% remaining stationary.

Here’s what makes this service exceptional and how it enhances the experience for your employees, your patrons, your clients:

  • Soiled bins (and remember, it is blood that we are talking about) are removed from your premises to minimize cross-contamination and are replaced with fully sanitized units containing the bacteriostatic solution.

Note: Bins not removed from your premises are unlikely to be fully sanitized on-site, increasing the risk of cross-contamination.

On-site sanitization involves using your washrooms as a cleaning station, which generates VOCs and extends service time.

  • Each bin is cleaned and sanitized at Biochem’s facility in Ontario, rather than on-site, using an industrial process.

Bins are treated in an industrial-grade steam machine and sanitized with disinfectants and agents approved by Health Canada.

To effectively kill or inhibit bacteria growth, the sanitizing agent must be in contact for at least 10 minutes.

Bins are cleaned with two different disinfectants, ensuring 99.9% of bacteria are eliminated. The process is eco-friendly and ISO 14001 certified for top-quality management.

Each lid is manually cleaned and sanitized.

All sanitized units are stored at Biochem’s plant until reallocated on-site.

Each bin undergoes inspection by our Quality Control Department to ensure it is in proper working order and thoroughly clean before leaving our facility.

  • No plastic bag liners are used, so there is no additional non-recyclable waste.
  • The bacteriostatic liquid solution is also the best solution to reduce odours in your washrooms.
  • Bins can accommodate up to 15% more waste with the bacteriostatic solution, allowing you to reduce service frequency and save money.

Biochem Environmental Solutions is the largest Canadian innovator of Hygiene, Life Safety, and Pest Control products and services. Biochem is ISO 14001 certified and highly committed to diverting waste from landfill through a comprehensive environmental management program. Find out more at www.biochemenvironmental.com

Unique Waste Diversion Program

In an industry frequently viewed as a commodity, clients and prospects inquire about what sets Biochem Environmental Solutions apart. This article marks the beginning of a series exploring how Biochem stands out and the unique advantages it offers to its clients.

Biochem is the only company in our industry to guarantee a strict Zero-Waste-to-Landfill policy.

Biochem recognizes the critical role of waste diversion in environmental sustainability. Landfills are major sources of greenhouse gases, including methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in its impact on global warming. By converting waste into energy instead of landfilling it, Biochem reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps combat climate change. This waste diversion also conserves natural resources, protects wildlife habitats, and reduces the volume of waste entering oceans and waterways.

Biochem’s waste diversion program has made significant strides over the past three years, diverting over 312 metric tons of waste from landfills, generating over 132,000 kW of electricity sold to the grid, saving 246 cubic meters of landfill space, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 2,196 tonnes. These achievements underscore the effectiveness of our waste management strategies. That sounds great, but how did Biochem achieve this?

For the past 10 years, Biochem has collaborated with Emerald Energy from Waste Inc. and U-Pak Disposals Ltd. to achieve a zero-waste-to-landfill goal. Emerald Energy specializes in recovering thermal energy from municipal solid waste (MSW), as well as industrial, commercial, and institutional (IC&I) sources. This thermal energy is converted into electricity and steam for community use. That’s awesome, but what’s in it for you?

By partnering with Biochem, you ensure that 100% of waste collected by Biochem from your premises is directly channeled into Biochem’s Waste Diversion Program. You reduce your carbon footprint through local waste management and avoid the environmental impact of transporting waste long distances. You minimize carbon emissions while transforming waste into valuable energy for local facilities, eliminating landfill use entirely. Biochem can provide you with a detailed waste and tonnage report that tracks the waste removed and the energy produced each quarter.

Through these practices, Biochem not only advances sustainability goals but also supports your LEED and BOMA BEST certification efforts, contributing to a more sustainable future for current and future generations.

Biochem Environmental Solutions is the largest Canadian innovator of Hygiene, Life Safety, and Pest Control products and services. Biochem is ISO 14001 certified and highly committed to diverting waste from landfill through a comprehensive environmental management program. Find out more at www.biochemenvironmental.com

Are crawling insects making their way into your workplace?

If the answer is yes. Biochem can help!

Protecting your property against seasonal invaders is no joke. Ants, spiders, centipedes, and beetles are trying to make their way into your facility through cracks and crevices in the exterior of your building. These seasonal invaders are in search of food or shelter. They often travel in large numbers and can pose a major nuisance to you, your employees, and your customers.

Ants are the most common nuisance, as they are resilient and tireless invaders. Entering buildings through even the tiniest of cracks, in search of water and sweet or greasy food substances. In addition to being an annoyance, these little pests can contaminate products and cause structural damage to a facility.

Treating these pest issues early through preventative maintenance (seasonal sprays) is the best line of defense for any business, as seasonal pest can become increasingly costly to treat once they have already gained entry to your property.

CRAWLING INSECTS – Cracks and crevices in exterior walls and caulking are a super-highway for small, crawling insects. Pests like ants, beetles, spiders, and other creepy crawlers, make their way into our homes and businesses through areas difficult for most to see.

Biochem prevents them from gaining entry through an invisible barrier application to the lower exterior walls of your business.

This exterior spray prohibits creepy crawlers from gaining access to your facility, all summer long, and ensures you don’t see a line of ants making their way to the kitchen buffet.

No matter what summer may throw at you, Biochem has the solution. If you’re experiencing issues, or would like to proactively prevent issues from arising, reach out to one of our skilled and knowledgeable representatives for a no obligation assessment and quote.

Biochem Environmental Solutions is the largest Canadian innovator of Hygiene, Life Safety, and Pest Control products and services. Biochem is ISO 14001 certified and highly committed to diverting waste from landfill through a comprehensive environmental management program. Find out more at www.biochemenvironmental.com

Life Safety compliant?

In the fast-paced environment we live in today, prioritizing safety is non-negotiable. Whether it’s a workplace, a community centre, or any public space, being prepared for emergencies is paramount. At Biochem, we understand the urgency of life safety, which is why we provide expert service to ensure readiness for any situation.

Here’s how our range of life safety services can make a difference:

AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR (AED) – AEDs are vital in sudden cardiac emergencies, where immediate response can make all the difference. Our seasoned service technicians undergo rigorous training to guarantee that all equipment remains current and operational, providing you with the assurance and peace of mind you deserve. Whether you already own the unit or it was purchased through Biochem, we are committed to ensuring its optimal performance and your safety with prompt maintenance, and comprehensive support.

FIRST AID KIT – By entrusting Biochem with the servicing of your first aid kits, you’re ensuring they remain fully stocked and compliant with Ontario’s Health and Safety standards. This proactive approach guarantees that your business is always equipped to address any medical situation promptly and effectively, from minor cuts to more serious injuries, fostering a safer environment for all.

SHARPS CONTAINER – Proper disposal of needles and other sharp objects is essential for preventing injuries and minimizing the risk of contamination. Our sharps container service is designed with safety and convenience in mind, providing a secure solution for the disposal of hazardous materials and the ease of removal of those containers when needed.

EYE WASH STATION – Chemical splashes or foreign particles in the eye can cause serious damage if not treated promptly. Having an eye wash station available for immediate relief allows individuals to flush their eyes quickly and effectively. Our service team will ensure the station is in working condition and will replenish eye wash bottles as required.

At Biochem, we not only provide high-quality products but also offer expert service and maintenance. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you’re prepared for any emergency, empowering you to create safer environments for yourself and those around you.

Biochem Environmental Solutions is the largest Canadian innovator of Hygiene, Life Safety, and Pest Control products and services. Biochem is ISO 14001 certified and highly committed to diverting waste from landfill through a comprehensive environmental management program. Find out more at www.biochemenvironmental.com

Keep Your Space Invader-Free: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Crawling Insects

Have you ever found crawling insects around your home or workplace and wondered how they got in? It’s not just you. When we leave a tiny crumb on the counter, ants may appear in a line to grab it and run. We may not even notice spiders building their homes in the corners of ours or cockroaches running out when we turn on the lights at night. These moments remind us that nature has a way of sneaking into our spaces, even when we think they’re closed off. This guide aims to help by discussing what these insects are, why they’re attracted to our homes and businesses, and, most importantly, how to keep them out.

What Are Crawling Insects?

Crawling insects are those small creatures that find their way walking on the ground. This includes the many bugs we often see each day, like ants, spiders, cockroaches, and beetles. While they can seem harmless, their presence inside can be bothersome or sometimes harmful.

The Harmless vs. The Harmful

It’s important to distinguish between passing crawling insects and those that invade our spaces, posing a threat to our health, safety, and property. This knowledge is a crucial factor in deciding when to seek professional help for pest management.

Harmless Visitors

Crawling insects, like pill bugs, are detritivores and feed on decomposing plant material, playing a crucial role in natural recycling. These crawling insects aren’t harmful and don’t pose a threat to us or our living spaces. They don’t go after human food or materials and are more of a fascinating sight than a cause for concern. Encountering these creatures can be a sign of a healthy outdoor ecosystem nearby but doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem inside.

Potentially Harmful Pests

On the other side of the spectrum are pests that can cause actual harm. These include:

      • Cockroaches: Cockroaches carry harmful pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella that can contaminate food surfaces and cause illness. Their droppings and shed skin can trigger allergies and asthma in vulnerable individuals.

      • Ants: Certain species of ants are not just a nuisance; they can also pose a risk to your property. Carpenter ants, for example, can damage wood structures as they build their nests. Others, like the common household ants, may contaminate food sources.

      • Spiders: Many spiders are harmless and can even help us by eating other insects. But, some kinds, like the black widow or brown recluse, might bite or attack if they feel threatened.

      • Bedbugs: Although not typically considered a health hazard, bedbugs can cause discomfort through their bites and significantly impact mental well-being and sleep quality.

    Why Do I Have a Crawling Insect Problem?

    Crawling insects come to our homes and businesses because they’re looking for things like food, water, and a place to stay. Cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and tiny openings around pipes make it easy for them to get in. Also, if it’s damp around your place, the crawling insects might find it even more inviting.

    How Do I Get Rid of Crawling Insects?

    Effective pest control starts with prevention. By taking proactive measures, we can deter crawling insects from making our homes their own. The three most effective and immediate steps you can take to minimize the risk of an infestation are:

        • Seal Entry Points: Regularly inspect and repair any cracks or gaps in the building’s exterior.

        • Maintain Cleanliness: Reduce food and water sources by keeping areas clean and dry.

        • Use Barrier Treatments: Biochem treatments offer a proven solution by creating an invisible shield that prevents insects from entering.

      Our homes and workplaces are important to us. When crawling insects invade these spaces, it can make us uncomfortable. You might try to handle it on your own at first, but sometimes, the problem is bigger than what DIY solutions can fix. That’s where we can lend a hand. We know a lot about these pests and how to keep them away for good.

      Reaching out to a Biochem representative isn’t just asking for help—it’s choosing to make your space comfortable and safe again.  We care about your well-being and so we are happy to offer you a free quote for customized professional help. Let’s work together to keep your place the way it should be: free of unwanted guests.

      The Benefits of Touchless Bathroom Experiences

      If there’s one thing a facility manager understands, it’s the seriousness of washroom hygiene. Touchless or automatic amenities in commercial washrooms have been around for a long time. They’ve usually been considered a “nice to have ” amenity. But since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, automatic washroom amenities are now a matter of public health and safety.

       In a 2020 survey conducted by Dyson, three-quarters of Canadians expressed concern about visiting public washrooms during the pandemic. More than half of them choose to visit public washrooms less frequently. The survey also mentions that 42% of Canadians are concerned with touching buttons on hand dryers.  This shows that automatic hand dryers are a solution for minimizing the spread of bacteria and help your guests or customers feel more comfortable using your commercial washroom.

      On that note, there are several benefits to investing in a touchless bathroom experience and a few ways to do so. Four of them include:

      1. Waste reduction and cost savings: Touchless products can control the quantity of product dispensed with pre-set amounts. For faucets, soap, and sanitizer dispensers, you can calibrate how much product can be used by one person at a time. These prevent people from using too much water, soap, or paper towels and save you replacement costs in the long run. Automatic faucets can help reduce your facility’s water consumption by up to 20%.
      1. Ease of use: Automatic features in faucets and dispensers are also convenient for children or people with limited motor skills. Touchless bathroom faucets are equipped with sensors that only have to detect a person’s hands. Your guests will appreciate not having to touch and adjust hot and cold-water knobs or soap dispensers (knobs which, by the way, can build up grime from contact).
      1. Limits the spread of disease:  E-coli, hepatitis, and the common cold are a few diseases that can lurk on the surfaces of sinks, doorknobs, and toilet seats if not cleaned on demand. Automatic features can eliminate the physical contact required to operate amenities and prevent guests from constantly touching the same surfaces. This helps protect staff and guests who frequently come in and out of your facility.
      1. Improves your bathrooms’s visual appearance: Automated products are usually sleek and modern in design. In commercial spaces like hotels, restaurants, malls, and offices, washrooms can provide your guests with a luxurious and positive experience.

      How do touchless bathrooms work?

      The fixtures use built-in sensors to detect if a user is near and dispense water, sanitizer, or soap as needed. The sensor, power source, and controls that monitor product flow are all hidden from plain sight to ensure a sleek and easy to use system. In Touchless toilet systems, infrared motion sensors trigger when a user moves a specific distance away and flushes automatically.

      Design your touchless commercial bathroom with Biochem

      Build or upgrade your bathroom with a modern range of dispensers and disposal systems from Biochem. Our automatic product range includes:

      Feminine napkin disposal:

      • Bioguard Solar Lite: It is a discreet and hands-free disposal system that reduces the risk of cross-contamination. The system is solar-power assisted, energy saving to prolong the life of the battery. It is also available with a patented bacteriostatic solution that helps increase its capacity and reduce odours. Avoid having clumsy, unhygienic sanitary bins in your washrooms. Installing a modern unit with improved functionality will help your female guests feel comfortable using it.

      Automatic Dispensers:

      • Sanitizer Dispensers: Biochem has fixed and stand-up sanitizer dispensers available in 1000ml and 1200ml options. Both are built with durable and sleek designs. Our industrial grade/ high capacity sanitizer dispenser offers a 4-litre bottle usage and the option to be bolted to the floor for high-traffic washrooms or building entrances.
      • Soap Dispensers: These can be mounted for use with environmentally friendly hand soaps and even sanitizers. Biochem can provide your facility with gel and foam soaps made with hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and non-fragrant solutions. We also have available a countertop touchless unit, Bio Auto soap dispenser.
      • Auto Faucets: Our auto faucets can help conserve water using a lower flow rate. Bio Auto Solar faucet comes built with a solar panel assist to the battery to help save energy so they can be used longer and without interruptions.

      Leave your installation to Biochem! To get a quote on any of Biochem’s automatic products or to find out how Biochem can help you plan touchless bathrooms, contact your local Biochem office or call their Head Office at 416-747-6600.

      Solutions Driven Preventative Pest Control

      Pests are a problem for many homeowners and businesses with a physical presence. Apart from being destructive and disease vectors, they are aesthetically displeasing and, if you’re a company, compromise the image you are seeking to promote. Avoidance of the issue can only worsen the effects, be they insects, rodents or wildlife. They won’t subside unless you take action.

      Preventative Pest Control Solutions

      But what action to take? Consulting pest control professionals is always a wise choice. But not all companies are created equal in terms of their environmental bona fides. This is where Biochem separates itself from the pack. We make every effort to implement solutions driven treatments through our Integrated Pest Management protocols that reflect our concern for both our clients and our planet. Through this approach we the structure and landscape to our advantage, and limit the use of harmful chemicals.

      Biochem’s Environmental Policy

      Biochem is proudly Canadian and serves businesses and homeowners within the GTA. We are committed to complying with all current applicable laws and regulations, as well as rules put forth by the Ministry of the Environment. Wherever possible we strive to surpass the current requirements regarding environmental protection. Towards this end, we are constantly in pursuit of new approaches to environmentally sustainable preventative pest control solutions.

      Biochem’s holistic Integrated Pest Management

      The adjective holistic is derived from the noun holism, an approach to problem management that emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. With regards to Biochem pest control practices, this means that instead of only treating pests directly, we also want to know how and why they are there. To figure this out we conduct a thorough inspection of your facility and the surrounding landscape to determine why you have a pest problem. This invariably involves us asking you questions about your facility, including its history. Structural and sanitary concerns may need addressing to help limit harborage. The comprehensive information we collect from asking questions allows us to focus on the cause of a problem, not just its symptoms.

      Biochem’s holistic, systemic approach usually means that the first tool we wield in our battle against pests is a flashlight! In most cases, we thoroughly inspect a client’s facilities inside and out before making any recommendations or applications. Such an inspection gives us the information we need to devise a strategy that may include non-chemical control methods, such as changing sanitation or cultural practices, to obtain better results with less pesticide. We aim to solve the problem at its source and not simply continually treat a chronic problem. After the problem is solved, we then turn our attention to monitoring and pre-emptive actions to deter any further intrusions.

      Scope of Biochem’s Green Pest Control services

      We offer a wide variety of pest control services, ranging from one-time emergency treatment to multiple treatments, and all-inclusive preventative maintenance programs. We have expertise in all types of structures, from residences to factories. There is no problem too large or small for our highly trained team of technicians to handle in sectors such as the food service industry, property management and more. No matter what your business, we can put in place the most suitable pest control program for it—one that surpasses even the strictest commercial regulations.


      Biochem delivers long-lasting environmentally sensitive preventative pest control solutions whether you require regular check-ups, emergency service or seasonal treatments. Our holistic pest management program evaluates your unique business and the specific problem you may have. We are solutions oriented and aim to solve pest problems at their source and not simply to continually treat an ongoing chronic problem. After problems are solved, we then turn our attention to monitoring and pre-emptive actions to deter any further intrusions. Not only that, we’re a friendly team of professionals ready and able to promptly respond to your inquiries and give you a free evaluation. Click here to contact us. We look forward to meeting you.

      Our New Look

      We’ve refreshed our brand and logo!

      To mark Biochem Environmental Solutions upcoming 25th anniversary, we are proud to announce the launch of Biochem’s new logo.

      Our business has grown and evolved over the years, and we felt it was time for a change to reflect who we are today and take us boldly into the future.

      As you know, we have never stopped innovating, which is why the new brand identity embraces a modern look and feel without sacrificing the brand equity, and rich history our customers trust and value today.

      We are also excited to give our distinctive “Solutions Drop” the prominence it deserves in our logo to identify with our innovative solutions for people by people. In the coming months we will updating our collateral, uniforms, vehicles, business cards, products labels and more to reflect our new look and feel. Changing our logo will involve many practical steps and take some time and this work has already begun.

      If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.